Abbe’s Refractometer

Reference: Lab Experiments Journal vol-12, No.3, Page-171

Abbe’s Refractometer


Determination of the refractive index of liquids and solids


1 . Abbe’s refractometer

                    Range: 1.3 - 1.7
Resolution: 0.001
Minimum sample quantity required: 1 ml
Calibration: Yes using provided standard liquid
Type: Split prism
Measurement of R.I at varying temperature: Available through external feed
Illumination: Through adjustable mirror
Eyepieces: 2 nos - For R.I scale and Bright and dark region viewing
Base: Cast iron
Moving parts: Brass

2 . Sodium vapour lamp set

                    Lamp: Philips / Thorne 35 W Lamp house: Single lamp type with fixed slit openings 
Transformer: 35 W, Instant On type
Rated Input: 220 V/50 Hz or 110 V/60 Hz
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