e/m by Thomson's method

Reference: Lab Experiments Journal vol-11, No.4, Page-253

e/m by Thomson's method


Determination of e/m of an electron by Thomson’s method


1 . Power supply

                    High tension and low tension  bias supply for CRT tube, Variable deflection voltage for x-shift and y-deflection beam movements
Meter: Digital voltmeter for measuring deflection potential
Rated Input: 220 V/50 Hz  or 110 V/60 Hz

2 . CRT tube

                    Diameter: 60 mm
Scale: x-axis and y-axis marked in mm with zero adjustment & position of deflecting plates marked

3 . CRT / Compass stand

                    Material: Acrylic
Magnet guide bed: For equi-distance movement up to 15 cm on either sides

4 . Compass

                    Size: 100 mm diameter  
Mirror for reduced parallax error

5 . Bar magnet pair

                    Material: AlNiCo
Size: 50 mm
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